Service Host Superfetch : Fix Service Host Superfetch 100% Disk Usage in Windows 10

The superfetch service allows you to speed up the execution of programs installed on the system with which you constantly work. This service marks the programs you use most often. Due to this, there is a significant acceleration in the launch and operation of programs. Indeed, thanks to the work of this service, all the necessary files are already pre-loaded! SuperFetch is a strictly intelligent service. It remembers startup files that you often work with, and remembers when and which file was launched. For example, if you worked every day for a week with a graphics editor, and on the weekend decided to play video games, then the files of the games that you launched will not be downloaded. Thus, the superfetch service allows you to achieve some acceleration in the operation of your computer, due to RAM. Of course, if you load all the programs at once, then the performance will greatly decrease.

Service Host Superfetch

If your computer is low-power and does not have large RAM, for example, only 1 GB, then this service can use flash-memory (USB-drive). It may be much slower than physical memory, but much faster than a hard drive. In order for superfetch to speed up the system due to flash-memory, you will need a flash drive connected to the computer (sometimes 4 GB is enough), then select “Speed ​​up the system” in the autorun window.

Service host SuperFetch is a kind of service, which is an application for preloading different types of programs. In other words, analyze your system for actively used utilities, after you start it, add them to your computer’s memory. This is done to speed up the loading of applications for subsequent work with them.

All SuperFetch works are out of the user’s mind. Recalling the programs that the user constantly uses, before, even before the direct launch of the application, he downloads his data in RAM, if the volume allows it. Thus, when you run the program, the calculations will start not from the beginning, but from the platform created by the service.

Based on this, we can conclude that the visibility of the tasks loaded and their actual number may differ. You may have noticed that the application you are using continues to run much faster than others with the same load. This corollary is a derivative of SuperFetch. The launch of SuperFetch took place in Windows Vista, after which the service was included in future versions. As technology develops, this solution becomes less and less relevant, so you can even stop it.

In turn, this approach is beneficial, but it takes over and extra RAM, which are probably useless programs at the moment. This way, you can decide whether or not SuperFetch is worth the resources. In general, it is recommended to stop the service in case of low consumption computers whose resources do not allow the support of the additional processes, although useful.

If you use an SSD, you can also disable this feature as it will not bring much benefit. You can also disable the PreFetch service, package wine and perform similar tasks. Currently, in modern computers, SuperFetch has lost its relevance due to its high power, because it is not necessary to download information in advance in advance, it starts pretty quickly.

Service Superfetch Setting are Located in registery

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> SessionManager -> MemoryManagement -> PrefetchParameters

There are three types of necessary parameters: REG_DWORD

EnableBootTrace – enables tracing (you need to enable it only if the service is not working as it should). Tracing – To understand a specific program and to verify the correct spelling of its own, the method of step-by-step execution of programs is used with tracking of all values ​​of variables.

EnablePrefetcher – Proactive Sampling (Proactive Sampling is a feature for increasing the speed of loading and launching Windows applications.)

EnableSuperFetch – Specifies whether to enable or disable the SuperFetch service.

Four values ​​are used for the last two parameters:

3 – the function is available in all cases (both during operation and at boot)

2 – The function is available during operation, but is disabled at boot time.

1 – the function is enabled, but only for downloading

0 – the function is off;

You can disable the service using the command line with administrator rights using the command

sc config SysMain start = disabled

After restart your computer.

In simple terms, this service pre-writes all the application data necessary for work from the hard drive to RAM or flash memory. The service uses all the free memory currently available to create a working environment that allows you to run applications and frequently used programs much faster.

If you want your Windows 7 system to work much faster, then think about this service and keep it constantly on.

What SuperFetch is responsible for

The SuperFetch description says that this service “maintains and improves system performance over time.” However, the mechanism of the service is not disclosed in detail. SuperFetch is a feature that first appeared in Windows Vista. The service constantly runs in the background, analyzes the patterns of processing RAM and finds out which applications are used most often. Over time, SuperFetch marks these applications as “frequently used” and preloads them into RAM.

Thus, thanks to the work of SuperFetch, the launch of the application will be much faster, because it has already been pre-loaded into RAM.

By default, SuperFetch fills the free space of RAM with downloadable applications. As soon as the operating system needs more RAM (for example, to load an application that has not been previously loaded) SuperFetch will free up the necessary amount of RAM.

SuperFetch is the successor to the Prefetch service, which was introduced back in Windows XP. However, Prefetch did not analyze usage patterns and did not configure preloading appropriately.

Do you need SuperFetch?

In most cases, SuperFetch really benefits. If you own a modern computer with at least average specifications, the SuperFetch service will work fine and will not cause any trouble.

However, SuperFetch may cause some problems:

Since SuperFetch always runs in the background, the service itself always uses processor resources and RAM.

SuperFetch does not completely eliminate the need to load applications into RAM, but simply speeds up the process. Whenever a download occurs, your system will experience the same slowdown as if you were launching an application without SuperFetch.

System startup may be slowed down because SuperFetch preloads a large amount of data from your hard drive into RAM. If every time you start or restart your computer, your hard drive is at 100% load for several minutes, then SuperFetch may be the culprit.

The effect of using SuperFetch may not be noticeable if Windows 10 is installed on the SSD. Because the SSD is very fast, no preload is required.

SuperFetch can cause problems in games if your system has 4 gigabytes of memory or less. This problem is relevant for games that use a large amount of RAM, which constantly request and free up memory. This behavior can cause SuperFetch to constantly load and unload data.

How to Fix Service Host Superfetch 100% Disk Usage in Windows 10

There are several ways to disable the SuperFetch service, you can activate it in a similar way, using: the standard “Services” menu and the registry editor

service host superfetch  high disk

Disable SuperFetch service using the Services window

Now you should go directly to disable this feature. Like all Windows services, you can disable this feature from the menu with the same name, and turn it on.

Open the Start menu;

Select the “Control Panel” item.

Next, you should find the “Admin” card and click on it;

Find the item you want with the name SuperFetch and double-click it;

Select a start type and set it to “Off”;

Apply the changes, you may need to restart your computer.

Similarly, you can disable the PreFetch service if you need it, which is relevant to SSDs. On the contrary, by performing step 6, you can enable this feature in the system.

The following method, which is not preferred for use, but helps some users in cases with problems in the services.msc file.

Disabling SuperFetch in Registry Editor

Press the Win + R key combination;

Type regedit and press Enter;

You should follow the following path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ SessionManager \\ Memory Management \\ PrefetchParameters;

Find the EnableSuperfetcher parameter, if not, then create in DWORD format with the appropriate name;

You must set the value of this variable to position 0 to deactivate SuperFetch, the number 3 is suitable for activation;

To disable the PreFetch service in the same window, select the EnablePrefetcher variable and set it to 0.

After doing these simple steps, you can erase some of the memory, but for computers with medium capacity, you will most likely see a slowdown in application load for a few seconds, which is also not critical. In other cases, when your computer is low power and cannot pull the extra service or vice versa, a powerful machine, then you will benefit from disabling the feature.

If you still have questions about “Why is SuperFetch used and how to disable the service?”, You can ask them in the comments

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Sometimes you experience system performance issues. Often the reason is incorrect system settings. Among the many ways to improve the performance of Windows 10, there is one less obvious one – changing the state of the SuperFetch service.

Disable servicehost superfectch

SuperFetch description says that this service “maintains and improves system performance over time”. However, the mechanism of service is not disclosed in detail.

SuperFetch is a feature that first appeared in Windows Vista. The service is constantly running in the background, analyzing RAM processing patterns and finding out which applications are used most often. Over time, SuperFetch marks these applications as “frequently used” and preloads them into RAM.

Thus, thanks to the SuperFetch activity, the application launch will be much faster because it has already been preloaded into RAM.

By default, SuperFetch fills RAM free with downloadable applications. As soon as your operating system needs more RAM (for example, to load an application that has not been previously loaded), SuperFetch will release the required amount of RAM.

SuperFetch is the successor to the Prefetch service, which was re-introduced in Windows XP. However, Prefetch did not analyze usage patterns and did not configure preloading properly.

Use of additional software

Sometimes, to solve this problem, you need to attract auxiliary software. An example of such utilities may be. It is responsible for monitoring the load on the operating system. In a sense, it is similar to the “Dispatcher”, but it is noted that not only is it capable of stopping a specific process, but also the ability to suspend it for a period, and to restore functioning. This software can be useful as it allows you to gain little power to solve the difficulty.

Disable the swap file and fast boot

In the first case, you will be prompted to stop the swap file. But this is only done if the amount of RAM on the computer is greater than 2 gigabytes. If there is a smaller volume or equivalent, the condition may become complicated. If your computer allows you to disable the page file, follow the steps below.

First you need to find the “Computer” icon, then right-click on it. The next step is to find the “Properties” section.

In it we go to the “Advanced” department, there we need the “Performance” element, we click on the “Options” button.

In the menu that appears, go to “Advanced”, there you have to find “Virtual Memory” and click “Change”.

If necessary, remove the check mark from the page file’s automatic size selection.

Set the line “No swap file” and click on the “Set” icon, then click “Ok”.

To perform this operation, you must enter the “Control Panel”. From there, go to “Power”.

There we will need “Actions with the power button”. In it we find a line of parameters currently unavailable.

Clear the fast launch line.

Stop SuperFetch in Task Manager

Previously, you may need to turn off the service, especially in Windows 8, to disable it sequentially, you can do this as follows:

Press the Alt + Ctrl + Delete key combination or right-click the taskbar.

Go to the “Services” tab;

You should find an item called SysMain in the description should indicate SuperFetch;

Right-click an item and select “Off.”

Is it safe to disable SuperFetch?

Yes, it is safe for the system, but there is a risk of adverse reactions from this action. If your system is working properly, you should leave SuperFetch enabled. If you experience problems with hard disk loading, high memory consumption, or performance degradation observed during active RAM operations, then try disabling SuperFetch and see how the system works. If something goes wrong, you can always reactivate the service.

How to disable SuperFetch in Windows 10

Services   and select the classic application with the same name. Alternatively, you can use the Windows + R keyboard shortcut, then type services.msc   and click OK.

Scroll through the list of services and right-click on the SuperFetch service , then select “Stop.”

disable superfetch

Right-click Superfetch, select “Properties.” On the “General” tab in the “Startup type” section, select “Off” (or “Manual” if you want to start the service yourself, if necessary).

System registry

Open the Start menu, enter a regedit query,   and select the proposed command to run. Alternatively, you can use the Windows + R keyboard shortcut, then type regedit   and click OK.

Go to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Session Manager / MemoryManagement / PrefetchParameters:

On the right, you should see an EnableSuperfetch parameter . If it does not exist, then you need to create it manually: right-click on the “PrefetchParameters” folder and select New \ u003e DWORD Parameter (32 bits).

Right-click EnableSuperfetch   and select “Modify.” To disable Superfetch, set the value to “0” and click OK.

Many PC users in Task Manager often notice how Superfetch works. Why is it necessary and why is it responsible? In general, Superfetch, what is this service in Windows 10? Superfetch or SysMain is a service that is responsible for caching data in Windows 10. Activating SysMain is for those who have a regular hard drive. SSD owners do not need this service because the data speed will be so high.

Why Is Service Host Superfetch in 100% Disk Usage

Someone has one hundred, others are not 100%, but the fact is clear – Windows 10 often “slows down” and freezes just because of disk loading. This condition occurs because of some services that are used in this operating system.

Service host superfetch

There are several probable reasons for this:

The search service indexes all files on your hard disk, so you can find the files and folders you need as quickly as possible if necessary. So, during indexing, the system accesses the hard disk too actively.

Superfetch service. Allows Windows 10 to “cache” the applications you most often run in a way. And this seems to allow you to start programs faster on repeated launches. To do this, it monitors everything that is going on in the system, writes something somewhere and “shakes” the disk strongly.

Windows Defender – Defender. It is also a system service. Performs all kinds of malware scans. Usually it does not load a disk at 100%, but 30-40% easily. The verification settings are set in the scheduler.


Now he has been told about the reasons why the “Host Service” captures the power of the available computer. All kinds of exits from the excess formed were dismantled. Now, if you encounter such a problem, you know what methods exist to get rid of it. But it is worth remembering that the safest way to solve this problem is to prevent its occurrence. Update a functional antivirus in a timely manner and check if the system is threatened several times a month!

That’s all! Leave comments, rate the article and share it with friends. Thanks!

The unit is the bottleneck in the performance of modern computers. All major hardware components have long had power potential that is “based” on disk system performance. Something like this is solved by the latest solid state drives – but sometimes they can’t even provide fast system operation.

Microsoft developers could not cope with the latest Windows algorithms and created a system that cannot rationally use the hard disk.

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