On many occasions, whether for work or leisure reasons, we spend a good number of hours sitting in front of a PC with Windows 10. And we named the Microsoft operating system because it is the most used on desktop computers, and by far. The truth is that Windows is powerful and secure software that has been with us since 2015, but it is not without problems.

It is true that Microsoft works hard to make this happen as few times as possible, but it is not 100% free. One of the main reasons in the sheer number of different PCs you have to deal with. And it is that we must know that there are hundreds of millions of computers with different combinations of hardware of greater or lesser depth. That is why this firm, present in the vast majority of them, sometimes has certain operating problems. In fact, it could be said that it is even logical and normal that some failures or errors occur when working with Windows 10 on our computer. In these same lines we are going to talk about the most common and usual problems that you are going to find on a day-to-day basis with Windows 10. These are the ones that have received the greatest number of reports from users over the year’s operating system life.
Table of Contents
Installation of the operating system
There are some users who already encounter problems from the start, that is, during the installation of the operating system. Therefore we can say that there are those who begin to glimpse failures here even before starting the equipment. In fact, these problems that we are talking about are found by those who have to update from an installed version of Windows 7 or Windows 8.
This is usually done this way to avoid losing the data on the PC, but it doesn’t always work well. We can try to do it from a physical support or a USB memory. Many stores also give us only the license number that accredits us as legal users of Windows 10. Therefore, to install it, we can download the ISO of the system from the Microsoft website. Then we can activate that copy with the license that we have purchased, all with the media creation tool that you access from here.
Windows 10 startup crashes
If we have managed to install the system without any problem, another of the problems that we can find is when starting the software as such. It is true that Windows 10 has a much more optimized boot system than Windows 7 and previous versions, but it is not without its potential problems. Therefore, if the system boot does not finish or takes longer than normal, something is not working.
Remove programs from Startup
This, despite its seriousness, is more common than it should be, and one of the possible causes could be that you have too many programs starting next to the system . So some of these like antivirus or drivers are unavoidable, but others are completely unnecessary here. Therefore, one of the solutions that we propose in this case is to deactivate the programs that run at startup. We do this from the Task Manager , which we access with the Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combination.
Here we go to the Startup tab and keep only the necessary programs active. To disable the ones we don’t want, right-click on each one and select Disable. This does not imply that they stop working, they will when we run them later and when we really need them.
Delays certain services
Many system services are also loaded at Windows startup , some basic ones without which Windows won’t work. But secondary services are also loaded that do not need to be active at all times. Therefore we can delay its execution for a few seconds, until the PC boots completely.
This will make your computer take less time to start and problems will be avoided. To do this, use the Windows + X key combination and go to Computer Management. In the new window we display Services and applications and click on Services . In the Startup type section we see those that start automatically with the system, so we right-click to customize its operation.
We click with the right mouse button on one of those that we want to delay and click on Properties. Now we can change its start-up and establish it as Automatic (Delayed start).
The PC crashes or when booting
Even more serious is the possible failure of the computer to freeze, restart unexpectedly, or show a blue screen or BSOD when booting . Here we must start the computer in safe mode to, on the screen that appears, select the option Repair computer.
Next, on the Choose an option screen, we opted for the proposal that is displayed and that says Fix problems. Then click on Startup Repair.
With everything and with this, in this safe mode we also find some other utilities of interest for when we have problems with Windows . We can uninstall the latest updates, open a command prompt window to run commands , or restore the system.
Problems with Windows updates
This is one of the biggest handicaps faced by Microsoft almost since the beginning of Windows 10, the updates. No matter how many efforts the Redmond firm has been making in this regard over the years, it has not been able to fully alleviate them. And it is something logical, as we mentioned before.
As we told you, one of the most common failures in the Microsoft system is caused by Windows Update. This is the Windows 10 update system and it usually occurs when trying to update the operating system . This is something that we will not be able to carry out, and as a result we will find a multitude of error codes. One of the possible solutions with the updates is found by opening the File Explorer. Here, in the window that appears, we are located in the following path:
Here we can delete all the files and folders that that specific folder contains. After that we use the Win + X key combination and open a Command Prompt window with administrator permissions. Once we have it on the screen, we type the following commands pressing Enter after each one:
net stop wuauserv net stop bits rd /s /q %windir%SoftwareDistributionDownload net start wuauserv net start bits wuauclt.exe /updatenow
Once we have done all this, we can try the update again to see if there are no problems now.
A high consumption of RAM and CPU memory
There are still many users who, despite the years that Windows 10 has been with us, refuse to migrate from previous versions. For example, Windows 7 is no longer even supported by the firm, but it has millions of users. One of the main reasons that are explained in this sense is the high consumption of RAM and CPU . This is something that becomes especially evident in PCs that are somewhat old or limited in terms of specifications.
Well, if this happens, it can cause the computer to run much slower, which affects all installed applications. As you can imagine, in this regard we can make several decisions to try to alleviate the problem. First of all, if we have an old PC, we should try to avoid certain high-performance programs that take up all the resources. Here we refer to certain next-generation games, video editing programs, design with high-definition photos , etc.
In the same way, we recommend that you thoroughly scan the PC in search of any possible malware. And it is that many of these viruses and malicious codes seriously affect the consumption of computer resources, negatively, of course. That is why all of a sudden we can find, for no apparent reason, that Windows 10 is consuming 100% of the computer’s RAM and CPU. This is something that we can solve by using Windows Defender, for example, the system antivirus . With everything and with this, we can also use any other third-party security solution.
Windows 10 won’t come out of hibernation
It is very possible that many of you already know with the passage of time and use of Windows, that the hibernation state is an excellent solution. This allows us to save a good amount of time as well as battery if we are not going to use your equipment for a while. In the event that we intend to use it again later after that time and at the same point where we left it, hibernation is perfect.
In addition, this exit from the hibernation state occurs almost instantaneously, just move the mouse a little or press any key on the keyboard. But sometimes, as has been known on many occasions, the hardware of some older computers can have problems here. These occur when we want to wake up the computer after using this hibernation method, forcing the user to press the power button. This causes us to lose all the files that we had not previously saved.
As a general rule, this is a problem that is usually related to the hardware of the equipment itself. At this point, one of the solutions that we can use in this regard, we can try to update the BIOS of the PC. This is something that we can also do with the motherboard controllers. But if we cannot solve it, another of the solutions that we can use is deactivating hibernation in Windows 10. This is something that we can do from the power plans section .
Certain peripherals and components stop working
The PC as such is made up of a good number of hardware elements, some more important than others. It is evident that there are basic ones for the operation of the equipment, such as the CPU, the GPU, the RAM memory, or the disk drives. But we cannot leave out others such as the screen, the keyboard , the mouse , the network card, the Bluetooth , etc.
But of course, whatever we are talking about, the problems begin when any of these suddenly stop working. This is something that also occurs on more occasions than we would really like, so we must try to resolve it as soon as possible. One of the most common reasons why these failures can occur with certain components is due to the drivers.
These are small pieces of software that make communication between the hardware and Windows possible. Therefore, if any of them is damaged or has not been updated, it fails, which affects the device. Therefore, to update these elements, we can use the Device Manager. We access this by right-clicking on the Start menu. Then we look for the entry of the component with problems and click with the right mouse button to update the corresponding drivers.
How to avoid problems in Windows 10
These are some of the most common Windows problems, but the truth is that we can find many more. The list would be almost endless, but what we can do is take certain precautions that help us in this regard. To say that some of these problems are unavoidable since they are Windows 10 bugs that appear unexpectedly.
But whatever kind they are, we have the possibility of reducing their appearance with some basic steps in Windows maintenance and thus avoiding problems. One of the most important measures, although some are somewhat reluctant, is to keep Windows 10 always up to date. This can prevent us from a multitude of failures and problems of all kinds. It is necessary to know that if after an update the computer suffers a failure, it is likely that its solution will arrive in the same way, with another update.
We can also tell you that this is something that is extensible to controllers or drivers that we talked about before. In the same way, it is interesting to keep all installed programs updated, both from their websites and from the Microsoft Store . Likewise, it will never hurt to keep Windows Defender, or the antivirus that we use, up to date and scan the computer from time to time.